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Course on the miracle of the Qur’an

The Quran, regarded as God’s literal word, provides guidance on all aspects of life. Its miracles include linguistic excellence, scientific insights, and spiritual wisdom. Scholars like Zaghloul El-Naggar emphasize how the Quran revealed scientific facts, such as human development, the universe, and the water cycle, long before modern science. Studying these miracles deepens understanding of the Quran’s divine origin and relevance.


Benefits of Studying the Miracles of the Quran:

  1. Strengthening Faith: Understanding the miraculous aspects of the Quran serves as a powerful affirmation of its divine origin. When individuals study the Quran’s linguistic beauty, scientific accuracy, and prophetic insights, they are reminded of its miraculous nature, which strengthens their faith in God.
  2. Enhanced Appreciation of the Quran: By studying its miracles, individuals gain a profound appreciation for the Quran’s complexity and depth. This can lead to a more sincere and devoted approach to reading and understanding its verses.
  3. Intellectual Enrichment: The Quran’s miracles often touch on diverse fields like science, medicine, history, and linguistics. These connections not only demonstrate the Quran’s relevance across centuries but also offer intellectual stimulation for those interested in these subjects. As highlighted by scholars like Zaghloul El-Naggar, the Quran’s alignment with scientific knowledge — especially in areas where modern science has only recently made breakthroughs — can lead to increased curiosity and academic exploration.
  4. Addressing Doubts: For those who may harbor doubts regarding the authenticity or miraculous nature of the Quran, studying its miracles can offer solid proof and rational explanations that confront misconceptions. As Zaghloul El-Naggar emphasizes, these miracles are an unshakable foundation upon which the truth of the Quran can be confidently affirmed.
  5. Universal Appeal: The Quran’s miracles are not confined to a particular time or culture but appeal universally. The miraculous nature of its content continues to inspire and guide people, regardless of their backgrounds. The relevance of the Quran’s miracles to scientific, social, and ethical issues can encourage dialogue and reflection across cultures.
  6. Promoting Reflection and Action: The miracles of the Quran are not just a matter of intellectual curiosity; they are meant to lead to a deeper connection with the Creator and to inspire action. They serve as reminders of divine power and wisdom, urging believers to reflect on their purpose in life and to live in accordance with God’s guidance.

Zaghloul El-Naggar’s Perspective on Quranic Miracles:

El-Naggar stresses that the Quran’s scientific miracles are not random but are a deliberate aspect of the divine message, inviting humanity to explore and reflect upon the wonders of the natural world. For him, these miracles are not just symbolic but tangible evidence of the Quran’s divine authorship, providing a bridge between faith and reason. His work underscores the idea that studying the Quran’s miracles allows Muslims to not only strengthen their religious faith but also to appreciate the harmony between faith and reason.

Content :

  1. Introduction to Miracles in the Quran
    • Overview of the Quran as the ultimate miracle.
    • The Quran’s linguistic, scientific, and prophetic miracles.
    • Miracles as evidence of the divine source of the Quran, unmatched by human effort or knowledge.
  2. The Uniqueness of the Quranic Miracle
    • Linguistic Miracle:
      • The Quran’s unparalleled eloquence, structure, and rhetorical beauty.
      • The challenge of imitating the Quran’s style, despite the efforts of the Arabs at the time.
    • Scientific Miracle:
      • Quranic verses describing natural phenomena, such as embryonic development, the water cycle, and the formation of the universe, which align with modern scientific discoveries.
    • Historical and Prophetic Miracles:
      • Prophecies in the Quran that came true, such as the victory of the Romans over the Persians and the preservation of the Quran.
  3. The Quran and the Natural World
    • Miracles in Space:
      • The creation and expansion of the universe, the Quranic descriptions of the stars, planets, and the vastness of space, which align with modern cosmology.
      • The precise orbits of celestial bodies and the Quran’s depiction of cosmic order.
    • Miracles in the Earth:
      • The Quranic descriptions of the Earth’s shape, mountains, rivers, and other natural features that sustain life.
      • References to the Earth as a source of life and nourishment for all living creatures.
  4. The Human Body and the Quran
    • Embryonic Development:
      • The Quran’s description of the stages of human development in the womb, from a clot to a fetus, which aligns with modern embryology.
      • The concept of the creation of humans from water and clay.
    • The Unique Creation of Humans:
      • The special creation of human beings, made in the best of forms, and the unique cognitive, emotional, and spiritual qualities granted to humanity.
  5. The Quran’s Miracles in Animals and Plants
    • Miracles in the Animal Kingdom:
      • References to specific animals, such as the bees, the spider, the camel, and the story of Prophet Solomon and his control over animals.
      • The Quran’s description of the natural world as a sign of divine wisdom.
    • Miracles in Plants:
      • The Quran’s references to fruits, seeds, and the growth cycles of plants, aligning with botanical science.
  6. The Unseen and the Unknown: Miracles in the Quran
    • Knowledge of the Unseen:
      • Prophecies and knowledge about future events, such as the victory of the Romans over the Persians, the defeat of the Quraysh at Badr, and the preservation of the Quran.
      • The Quranic mention of the unseen, such as the afterlife, the Day of Judgment, and divine decrees, which were unknown to humanity at the time of revelation.
  7. The Quran’s Timeless Miracle
    • The Quran’s Preservation:
      • The miraculous preservation of the Quran over 14 centuries, without alteration or corruption.
      • The memorization of the Quran by millions of Muslims worldwide as a sign of its divine protection.
    • Endless Relevance:
      • The Quran’s ability to provide guidance in every era, addressing both spiritual and worldly concerns.
      • The Quran’s timeless nature, which continues to challenge human knowledge and understanding.